Sunday, 14 April 2013

Review Geo Circle lenses Angel Color Blue

So, I promised you guys you would get a review of my circle lenses. I didn't found time to do it, but now there is! So Here's some general information about my Geo Circle Lenses.

blue circle lensGeo Angel Blue

Water Content:

Diameter: 14.0mm/14.2mm
Base Curve: 8.6mm
Type: 1 year disposal

Here's a photo from PinkyParadise:

(on brown eyes)
I ordered mine frome GeoCandy , which is a dutch website. If you don't live in belgium or the Netherlands, I highly recommend PinkyParadise. GeoCandy only sells lenses by one, so not in pairs. On GeoCandy the lenses were 20 euros (a pair), and on PinkyParadise $19.90. So let's start judging!
Here are a few photo's.

lenses in real
Natural light source


Comfort 10/10:
These are so comfortable! I was always checking if I was still wearing them. But keep in mind I had 14mm! Putting these in and taking them out was easy. Without eyedrops I would wear them a maximum of 5-6 hours a day. If you use eyedrops this time maybe 7-8 hours a day. So, yeah, a ten!

Colour/Design 7/10:
On camera the colour looks different than in real. My eyes do look blue, but very dark. But on camera the colour is beautyful. The dark ring gives a larging effect which is bigger than 14mm. The same ring also makes it easy to tell wheter it's inside-out or not. I personally think these look nicer on dark eyes than on light ones. The design isn't special, very natural, but I think it's good.

Enlarging 8/10:
These are so great enlargers for there 14mm! Due to the black ring it looks like at least 14.5mm. My eyes/face look(s) really doll-like, and my face looks lot smaller (uzzlang ^-^). I love what they do to my face and eyes, but this isn't the maximum enlargment.

Cuteness 9/10:
I actually didn't know a 4th point, so this bumped in to my head. Because of the dol-like affect, a 9!

Average 8.5/10:
I <3 these lenses! I'd highly recommend them. How do you think about circle lenses? Which brand do you prefer (me, GEO)? Which lenses do you have? Leave a comment below!
Thanks for reading!



  1. These lenses look great on light eyes as well!

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    Enjoy and stay pretty :)
